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We Just Gave Out $250K In Business Grants


With the partnership of Count Me In Revival and Curvy Couture we were able to donate over $250,000 in business grants to #WomenOwned businesses navigating 2020's challenging business climate!

Count Me In is the first national not for profit founded to help women grow their micro-businesses to million-dollar enterprises. This summer, Founder and CEO, Nell Merlino relaunched the program through the Count Me In Revival Grant competition, challenging women business owners to apply for four (4) $25,000 grants and fifteen (15) $10,000 grants provided by sponsors Smart & Sexy and Curvy Couture.

The response was overwhelming with 2200 female-owned businesses expressing interest in applying, resulting in 444 businesses submitting applications and 41 of those businesses were selected as finalists.

“There has never been a better time for women to lead in business and to support one another,” said Merlino.“The founders of Smart & Sexy and Curvy Couture have shown the power women entrepreneurs hold to help lift one another toward the common goal of success. Together as a community we have survived and thrived through 9/11 and The Great Recession. As we face these new obstacles, I have no doubt we will continue to innovate and grow our businesses with the help of community support through programs like Count Me In Revival.”

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